It’s time for us to work together.
Fed up with yo-yo dieting and obsessing over calorie counts? Tired of trying to figure out the perfect balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates? If you’re ready to take full ownership over the health and wellness of your body, now is the time to reach out to me at New You Nutrition.
$150 • 60-minute initial session
In our first session we’ll get to know one another. We’ll discuss your overall relationship with food, your past and present eating habits, and how you view your body. From there, we’ll formulate a goal-oriented plan with action steps to tackle the specific areas to focus on.
$75 • 30-minute follow-up sessions
Our follow ups will revolve around targeted strategies for implementing your goals. The number of follow up sessions are dependent on the extent of your goals as well as your motivation. Follow up sessions can be purchased individually or in packages.
30-minute bi-weekly sessions
This 8-week coaching program is designed to reduce stress, ease inflammation, and help you gain more energy. It includes bi-weekly 30-minute online sessions as well as support documents, recipes, and helpful tips and advice.
Week 1 begins with a 90-minute online session where we discuss your full health history and conduct a food log analysis to determine a customized nutrition plan.
Weeks 2 through 8 consist of bi-weekly 30-minute online sessions to discuss daily food goals, an exercise plan, and recommendations for meals. This program pays particular attention to inflammation-reducing natural foods, so be ready to eat your weight in greens!
Meal planning — starting at $50
Single week plan
If you’re putting together a grocery list or trying to sort out a weekly meal menu for the entire family, I offer solo sessions to discuss nutritional needs and recommendations.
Nutrition coaching — starting at $75
30 minute session
If you’re putting together a grocery list or trying to sort out a weekly meal menu for the entire family, I offer solo sessions to discuss nutritional needs and recommendations.
1234 Fitway Lane
Seattle, WA 55555
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